Alfred north whitehead
Alfred north whitehead

alfred north whitehead

During this period, while active in assisting to frame new educational programs, he turned his reflective efforts toward formulating a philosophy of science to replace the prevailing materialistic mechanism, which in his view was unable to account for the revolutionary developments taking place in science. In 1910 Whitehead moved to London, where he held a variety of posts at University College and was professor at the Imperial College of Science and Technology. Three children were born to them between 18: Thomas North, Jessie Marie, and Eric Alfred, who was killed in action with the Royal Flying Corps in 1918. In 1890 he married Evelyn Willoughby Wade, whose sense of beauty and adventure fundamentally influenced Whitehead’s philosophical thought. During the latter part of this period he used to give political speeches in the locality these favored the Liberal party and often entailed his being struck by rotten eggs and oranges.

alfred north whitehead

His residence at Cambridge, first as scholar, then as fellow, and finally as senior lecturer in mathematics, lasted from 1880 to 1910. Although during his whole undergraduate study all his courses were on pure or applied mathematics, he nevertheless developed a considerable knowledge of history, literature, and philosophy. In the autumn of 1880 he entered Trinity College, Cambridge. Whitehead excelled in mathematics, grew to love the poetry of Wordsworth and Shelley, and in his last year acted as head of the school and captain of games. The school to which he was sent in1875, Sherborne in Dorset, traced its origin to the eighth century. As a child Whitehead developed a strong sense of the enduring presence of the past, surrounded as the was by relics of England’s history. Mathematics, mathematical logic, theoretical physics, philosophy.Įducation, religion, and local government were the traditional interests of the family into with Whitehead was born, the son of a southern English schoolteacher turned Anglican clergyman. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 30 December 1947) Ramsgate, Kent, England, 15 February 1861 d.

Alfred north whitehead